Baby Wyatt

I got to meet Wyatt today, the newest addition of the Baker clan. I had photographed this sweet family last year when their older son Henry had just turned one. It means so much to me when my clients come back to me and it is so special to me to see their family grow! Henry had grown so much and was your typical older sibling (still adjusting towards his new role as big brother), but so much fun to work with. The photo where he kisses his younger brother simply melts my heart!







Towards the end of Wyatt’s newborn session, Cierra pointed out this giant pumpkin that she had just carved so baby could sit it it for some pictures. I wasn’t sure if that was even going to work, but it did and I totally love this picture. Wyatt lounging in a pumpkin. He looks pretty comfortable!



This entry was posted in Newborn.